A delicious combination of grilled seafood such as shrimp, scallops, and smoked salmon drizzled with lemon and olive...
A classic appetizer made with breaded and fried squid. It is served with a side of marinara sauce and lemon...
Tender squid sauteed with black olives, capers, tomatoes, red peppers, red onion, lemon and extra virgin olive...
Tender shrimp cooked to perfection and coated in a rich, buttery sauce. Served with a side of fresh vegetables...
Fresh PEI mussels steamed in a roasted garlic tomato sauce with white wine.
Casual Dining, Catering, Comfortable Booths, Extensive Wine List, Family Dining, Free Parking, Full Dinner Menu, Gluten Free Options, Hotel(s) Nearby, Internet Access, Patio, Wheelchair Accessible, WiFi
Casual Dining, Catering, Comfortable Booths, Extensive Wine List, Family Dining, Free Parking, Full Dinner Menu, Gluten Free Options, Hotel(s) Nearby, Internet Access, Patio, Wheelchair Accessible, WiFi