Tender chicken with zucchini and melted provolone cheese, cooked natural jus.
A classic Italian chicken dish with a rich and creamy sauce made with sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms, and garlic,...
A premium cut of Canadian beef, aged for 28 days and grilled to your preference, served with your choice of sides...
A classic dish featuring a combination of seafood and steak. The seafood can vary from lobster, shrimp, or scallops,...
A savory and nutty Italian cheese, aged for 24 months and grated fresh over pasta dishes, salads, or as a topping...
A tangy and creamy Italian blue cheese with a sharp and pungent flavor, great for pairing with fresh fruit,...
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Casual Dining, Catering, Comfortable Booths, Extensive Wine List, Family Dining, Free Parking, Full Dinner Menu, Gluten Free Options, Hotel(s) Nearby, Internet Access, Patio, Wheelchair Accessible, WiFi