A classic triple-decker sandwich filled with turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayo. Served on toasted bread...
A hearty sandwich filled with grilled chicken, roasted red peppers, provolone cheese, and pesto sauce on a toasted...
A savory Italian cured meat made from a blend of pork, spices, and prosciutto, ideal for antipasto platters...
A vegetarian sandwich filled with breaded eggplant, marinara sauce, and melted mozzarella cheese on a toasted...
A mouth-watering calzone filled with fresh mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce, and basil. Baked to perfection and served...
A delicious calzone filled with grilled chicken, mushrooms, spinach, ricotta, and mozzarella cheese. Served...
A folded pizza pocket filled with pepperoni, mozzarella cheese, and tomato sauce.
A classic sandwich filled with meatballs, marinara sauce, and melted mozzarella cheese on a toasted bun. Served...
A tender and crispy breaded veal cutlet served with a side of spaghetti marinara and sautéed vegetables.
Casual Dining, Catering, Comfortable Booths, Extensive Wine List, Family Dining, Free Parking, Full Dinner Menu, Gluten Free Options, Hotel(s) Nearby, Internet Access, Patio, Wheelchair Accessible, WiFi
Casual Dining, Catering, Comfortable Booths, Extensive Wine List, Family Dining, Free Parking, Full Dinner Menu, Gluten Free Options, Hotel(s) Nearby, Internet Access, Patio, Wheelchair Accessible, WiFi